Tall Tales
Video Premiere: Snarlin’ Yarns: “Don’t Go Fishin’”
It would be easy to describe the Snarlin’ Yarns as cutting-edge bluegrass with the added edginess of a surreal poet. But that’s a lame sentence with an outdated sense of poetics. Not to mention reductivist. There are four voices and one ghost on the Snarlin’ Yarns debut full-length, Break Your Heart.
Although it was recorded in summer 2019, Break Your Heart, the debut record by The Snarlin’ Yarns, feels utterly of this moment where “every second’s about a thousand years / and every minute’s just a great big blur / and every hour is a furor / and every day is the end times.” On Break Your Heart, the Ogden, Utah group—self-described as “the country’s only punk-country-bluegrass-folkie-improv-poetry-high&lonesome band”
Abraham Smith is the poet laureate of Ogden, Utah, and he’s one fourth of The Snarlin’ Yarns. His poetry collections have been published by Action Books and Third Man Books. With his band, he inserts a unique freestyle that complements the songwriting of fiddler Mara Brown, guitarist William Pollett and string specialist Jason Barrett-Fox.
Written In Music Review:
Break Your Heart
Muzikanten in het rootsgenre weten de Dial Back Sound Studios al een tijdje te vinden sinds de lancering van het gelijknamige label van Mike Patton en Bronson Tew, muzikanten en producers, die desgevallend als ritmesectie ingezet worden, vinden steeds meer muzikanten naast opnamefaciliteiten ook onderdak in de DBS stal. Na Young Valley en The Great Dying mochten we recent het debuut van Krista Shows begroeten. Snarlin’ Yarns, afkomstig uit Odgen, Utah is de nieuwste aanwinst.
Bluestown: The Snarlin Yarns Review
The Snarlin’ Yarns komen uit Ogden, Utah en maakten de reis naar Water Valley, Mississippi om hun debuutplaat ‘Break Your Heart’ op te nemen.
The Snarlin’ Yarns Break Your Heart (Dial Back Sound)–Review by A.S. Coomer
The high whine of the fiddle crashes down onto the strummed guitar and clucking banjo and is kept chugging forward by the thump of the upright bass. The ten songs of Break Your Heart by Utah collective The Snarlin’ Yarns romp and rollick through varying shades of Americana.